George Mason University Highlight: Dr. Robin Brewster

Yesterday we talked about GMU’s contributions and help at Culmore. Today we would like to recommend a particular individual from GMU who continues to help us thrive as an organization.

A standout volunteer is Dr. Robin Brewster. Dr. Brewster is a data manager on two grants awarded to George Mason University. “Partners for Access To Healthcare (PATH): A Faculty Practice Plan Expanding Community Services using the Chronic Care Model” and “Advanced Nursing Education Training (ANE).” The goal of the PATH grant is to deliver culturally competent care tailored to meet the specific needs of low-income patients. The aim of the ANE grant is to increase the number of advanced education nurses trained to practice as primary care providers and/or nursing faculty.

Dr. Brewster has ample experience in data extraction, analysis, and formatting of patient’s information from an electronic medical record (EMR). Culmore Clinic has recently begun the transition to using EMRs, and Dr. Brewster has been an crucial part of the process.

“The truth is that I’m simply a partner in our mutual healthcare efforts who happens to be the data manager for the Mason and Partner clinics - which also happen to use Practice Fusion.  Any frustration your clinic is going to hit, we have already hit.  So we want to try to help you avoid some of our mistakes.”

Practice Fusion, is web-based, free EHR used by Robin to track the ANE grant. We are lucky to have her on board helping manage our data and helping streamline Culmore’s records.