Khi sức khỏe chiếm ưu thế

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A story from inside The Clinic walls:

One of our long-time patients suddenly started missing her appointments and was not following through with her regular lab tests. When we called to learn more about what was prompting this behavior, she explained that her daughter-in-law had taken her granddaughter away from her home, where she had been staying. She was heartsick and was struggling to gain custody as neither her son nor daughter-in-law were acting like suitable parents. 

One of our staff members, who had built a rapport with this patient over the years, helped advise her on gaining custody. After following our staff members instructions, the patient gained custody of her granddaughter and is now able to re-prioritize her help and make all of her appointments. 

This is just one example of the compassionate healthcare that we provide each of our patients.