Tình nguyện viên của tuần: Max Kaye

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Congratulations and a big thank you are in order to our Volunteer of the Week, Max Kaye, our Front Desk Volunteer. Max is often the voice on the other side of the phone when patients reach out to us. He fields calls, responds to voice messages, coordinates appointments, checks the status of clinical results, and organizes requests made by providers.

According to Max, he volunteers with Culmore Clinic because…

 I have always loved volunteering efforts that benefit the most marginalized members of our communities. The patients Culmore Clinic aids are easily some of the most marginalized members of our community. I relish the opportunity to help our patients while also developing my Spanish skills and collaborative abilities. Furthermore, I love chatting with DeeDee (our Patient and Administrative Services Manager) and especially love easing the workload that she deals with each week.

When not at The Clinic, Max is studying (online) at Georgetown University. Originally from Bethesda, he has two brothers, one who is working in New York and a sister in Boston. He loves his family dogs, two Australian mini labradoodles, sports, and hanging out with friends.

When asked about Max, Anne-Lise Quinn, our Executive Director said:

“Max reached out to us with an enthusiasm that we couldn't resist! He has shown himself to be a steadfast, reliable, and compassionate volunteer staff whose warm and welcoming voice is just what our patients need to hear at the end of the line!"

We can’t thank you enough, Max! Your hard work helps our Clinic run smoothly and provides our patients with the quality experience we strive for. We are thrilled to honor you this week as Culmore Clinic’s Volunteer of the Week! Congratulations!

If you’d like to share a congratulatory message for Max, or any nice words, please feel free to comment below.