Lợi ích sức khỏe của việc đi bộ

Guest blogger, MPH student and superstar volunteer, Gloria Gibrael weighs in on walking…


For our last post about heart health this month, we will turn to exercise. Many trainers and blogs talk about the newest and popular ways to exercise and lose weight, but there is one form of exercise that has always been beneficial: walking.

Walking for 30 minutes daily, 5 days a week has proven to lower blood pressure, reduce waist circumference, and lead to weight loss. Those are just the heart health benefits - there’s more! Walking daily also boosts creative thinking, relieves stress, and improves overall mood. You can do all this without ever joining a gym or buying any expensive equipment! Just make sure you have good, supportive walking or running shoes. You can split up the 30 minute daily walks into three 10-minutes walks or two 15-minute walks. Once you begin walking, you will build up your stamina and feel more energized day by day.

More here and here