Thư của Giám đốc điều hành của chúng tôi: Terry O'Hara Lavoie

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Dear Friend;

I am writing to wish you and yours a peaceful and relaxing holiday season.  I am also writing to thank you for your past support of the Culmore Clinic and ask if you would consider making a tax-deductible gift before December 31st?

Here are a few highlights from 2016 that we were able to do because of your continued support:

  • Entered into its 10th year providing basic medical services with compassionate, culturally appropriate care.

  • Conducted more than 1,000patient visits to adults in the Culmore community.

  • Provided close to 100referrals to specialty diagnostic testing, making otherwise unaffordable tests (like MRIs or mammograms) possible for our patients.

  • Recruited and welcomed 17 new volunteer doctors, nurses and other volunteer staff (including Marymount Nursing Students) without whom our work would not be possible.

  • Implemented an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system to increase efficiency and care coordination.

  • Hosted a very successful Open House in honor of our 5 years of partnership with our hosts, Columbia Baptist Church @ Crossroads.

Your support will help Culmore Clinic serve our patients better with the hope that in 2017, additional dollars will allow us to provide additional hours of Clinic services. Please consider making a year-end donation to Culmore Clinic to help the underserved in our community access culturally competent health care services.

With best wishes for a happy holiday season. Donate now.

Terry O'Hara Lavoie

Executive Director/Co-Founder

Phòng khám Culmore