Một phòng khám đặc biệt, chuyên khoa

Culmore Clinic organized their very first “Specialist Clinic” last week. It was a great success, with a PA coming into The Clinic and seeing five patients just for Dermatology issues. Some of the patients have been waiting since August of last year for an appointment because it is so difficult to get specialists to se our patients and even then, it is hard for patients to travel to other offices due to transportation limitations and unpaid time off work.  

Having specialists come to us and treat five patients in only one afternoon is truly amazing! 

The PA that made this all happen is a James Madison University Program graduate, just like our Executive Director, Allison Colby. We found her by advertising in the Northern Virginia Chapter of VAPA. 

We are hoping to do many more “Specialist Clinics” as other providers step forward. Please contact us if you are or know a provider who would be interested in this program.