Bên trong phòng khám: Dữ liệu cho thấy bệnh nhân của chúng tôi bị bệnh nặng

My Dearest Community!

It is February! How did that happen?

I know some of you may feel the days have been dragging, but I think this is the busiest January I have ever had, with lots to do as we wrapped up 2020 and settled into a new year.

Last time I shared some great data on our fantastic supporters and donors; this time I want to share some data related to our patients.

While we don’t have all patient data in yet, what I can tell you is that in 2020, we didn’t see significant change in our patient demographic information. The majority of our patients still reported as female (64 percent) and 36 percent male. With regard to age, 10 percent were aged 18 through 29, 79 percent were between 30 and 64, and 11 percent were over 65. We also know that 74 percent of patients reported that they are from Latin America (Central and South), 24 percent didn’t answer this question, and the other patients reported their countries of origin as Sudan, Morocco, and Pakistan.

Data also show that many of our patients are very, very sick; indeed, over 207 patients have multiple conditions and 170 have chronic illnesses like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes (over half of those have two or more chronic illnesses at a time). As if that weren’t bad enough, our patients with chronic illnesses can have up to 14 other medical issues with which to contend! 

Looking at this information helps me understand why the total of provider, nursing, and counseling visits in 2020 jumped 230 percent to 5,571 visits! Of course, we had stepped up visits to care for COVID-infected patients, but even when the curve flattened for a while, we were still reaching over 184 provider visits a month!

This won’t be a surprise to so many of you that volunteer and work at The Clinic. They know this because they have lived it; of times they rushed to the library to call a patient because you had spotty internet where you were staying or they drove half an hour to come pick up one prescription for a patient who needed it or they shared a photo of interpreting in your dressing gown because they had fever and chills but a provider needed their help with a patient. These are just some of those anecdotes and they always bring a smile to my face!

I do want to mention one other data point. While 65 percent of our patients had some form of employment in 2020, their average annual income was only $10,945.

I will let that sit for a moment.

I have spoken before of the dire economic status that our patients are in; but it is always worth reminding ourselves of it.  Do you know that $10,945 is less than 100 percent of the Federal Poverty Level for a single adult? Can you imagine how you would wake up every day knowing that you had barely over $200 to get you through the week? And what if you get sick? Well then, of course, you have Culmore Clinic….

Some very encouraging news came in this week that I know will delight you; the Board of Supervisors approved the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program! This means that our great partner, Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center will be beginning the development of its community center, among other things; and that our great partner and host, First Christian Church can move ahead with its vision to have an affordable senior housing development on its land, which will include space for Culmore Clinic!  Thank you to all who wrote letters of support to the various task forces and County Supervisors!  It takes all of us to make good things happen!

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